In my opinion, ASB has been and will be the one of the best investment in Malaysia for many people. It provides good hedge against inflation of your cash, and you do not have to worry about the market performance at all.
(Dividen ASB: ASB sebenarnya adalah di antara pelaburan peribadi yang terbaik di Malaysia berdasarkan pulangan dividen ASB tahunan yang agak tinggi setiap tahun, secara puratanya ialah 8.23% sejak tahun 1990. Di tambah lagi dengan purata bonus sebanyak 2.76 sen setahun, pelabur mendapat pulangan yang cukup baik iaitu 11%. Secara kasarnya, sekiranya anda melabur RM10000 pada tahun 1990, wang anda meningkat kepada RM72,633.44 pada tahun 2009.)
The table & chart below show ASB dividend return and its bonus since 1990.
I admire what you have done here. I like the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that this is working for you as well.